Veteran Focused Publications

State Profiles

Veterans cannot be healthy without oral health. Veterans bear a disproportionate burden of disease and disability as a result of their military service. Across the country, more than 85% of Veteran Health Administration (VHA) enrollees are not eligible for dental care coverage. That means roughly 7.6 million veterans who are eligible for other primary care through the VHA aren’t getting dental care. Inadequate dental care is costly and painful — particularly when poor oral health is accompanied by chronic disease conditions like heart disease or diabetes. These profiles provide data that describe what oral health looks like for veterans by state, highlight additional health indicators by age and rurality, and compare veterans living in each state to veterans nationally. They can be paired with the data dashboard and research publications for additional insights into veteran oral health and well-being. Click here for technical information.

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Showcase: Other Sources for Veteran Data

"If I pay for this, I’m positive I’d end up homeless. As it is, I barely can afford food. I never go anywhere except to VA appointments. It’s a two hour drive and gas isn’t cheap."

– 71-year-old retired Army Veteran from Delaware who has undergone chemo treatment and lost the majority of her teeth as a result.